Oh Mr.Valentine,
Your heart's stuck with needles
And you bleed profusely
At the thought of loss.
Keep pumping
Damn you,
For fear the ship will sink
And life's red oil
Will spread
Around the listing
Hulk, floundering in the heavy seas.
Love is always drowning
Gasping for breath.
The gentleness of its thought
Is there to soothe the brow
Calming the weight of the swell
As we muddle through time's locks.
Take heart love.
Wounds, like the body, heal.
The wind blown stormy petrel
And the majestic albatross, floating on the air,
Skimming the waves of our desire
Land clumsily when brought to earth.
Better to have....
Than never to have..
To have cried.
To have counted
The wounds
Than never to have loved.
O Mr.Valentine,
Pierce my heart too so that I can fly.