Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

on the death of a religious man

to Ray

count your gods by numbers
whisper to them
and say their names

this man knew them all
never distinguished
felt only the love of man
took his life in his hands
took his knowledge
his instincts
everything he was
and loved

loved us all
religion was the frame
a cross to follow
fame didn't matter
money didn't matter
no questions were asked

to give solace
to give comfort
to bind the wounds
clean the feet
of the highest
and the lowest
all were equal

love carried him to his destiny
in its hard grip

it was who he was

and he loved a glass of Scotch
said prayers for the unholy
knew a good joke or two
and laughed
and lived his life
by the laying on of hands
and loving the poor
who were his kingdom

blessed be those who love their god
and do not fear power or failure
and blessed be he
who followed his redeemer
lived the life he loved
and loved the life he gave